Memorial for Celeste who passed on August 24, 2023


Celeste came to live at the sanctuary in January 2022.


Celeste walks with a limp from an injury she sustained before she came to Lily's Place.


Celeste is a true friend to the vulnerable or unwell. She can often be spotted hanging out with anyone who needs the calm, quiet presence of a faithful friend.


When she joined us in Jan 2022, she had wobbly legs and could not grip or perch with her right foot.  

She took the 3-hour round trip to be checked out by a vet who could run in-clinic diagnostics.

Nothing obvious was found, and Celeste started a medication protocol in hopes of helping with her mobility. We feared she was another victim of Marek's disease like our dearly departed feathered friends Watson and Amelia.

Luckily, Celeste has been with us in good health after her initial recovery. She still walks with a limp but has made great strides! She now flies short distances, runs, jumps and perches! 

Celeste has also come out of her shell and can be spotted confidently strutting around the barn or hanging out with her friend, Maple (one of the first chickens to join us at Lily’s Place).

When she joined us in Jan 2022, she had wobbly legs and could not grip or perch with her right foot.  

She took the 3-hour round trip to be checked out by a vet who could run in-clinic diagnostics.

Nothing obvious was found, and Celeste started a medication protocol in hopes of helping with her mobility. We feared she was another victim of Marek's disease like our dearly departed feathered friends Watson and Amelia.

Luckily, Celeste has been with us in good health after her initial recovery. She still walks with a limp but has made great strides! She now flies short distances, runs, jumps and perches! 

Celeste has also come out of her shell and can be spotted confidently strutting around the barn or hanging out with her friend, Maple (one of the first chickens to join us at Lily’s Place).


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