Memorial to Mitch who passed April 29, 2024


mitch was rescued march 22, 2024 when he was spotted in the ditch along the highway.


It was an extremely cold day in New Brunswick and Mitch was nearly frozen. He wasn't moving and was clearly in distress.


Mitch was spotted by Tim, our co-founder, on Tim's drive into town. Mitch was rescued and brought to safety.



finding sanctuary

March 22, 2024:

On his way to town, Tim (our co-founder) spotted a bird in distress in the ditch along the highway 👀!

That bird was Mitch!

Once Tim got close to Mitch, he sunk into the long grass and got completely soaked but was able to reach Mitch. Mitch didn’t even try to get away; he was too cold and defeated to move. 

Tim got Mitch back to his vehicle, abandoned his plan to head into town, and headed back to the sanctuary. 

Mitch warmed up a bit on the way and was checked over upon arrival. He got the name Mitch From The Ditch!

Mitch is a rooster younger than The Boys (4 baby roosters who were dumped in the woods that the sanctuary took in at the start of 2024).
Mitch had nothing in his crop (a sign he hasn’t eaten recently), is emaciated (extremely thin and weak), has several wounds on him, is missing feathers, has lice, and his breathing, while strong, sounds horrible. The scales down the sides of his legs are missing, his legs are swollen, and his feet are sore. 

He’s been given pain medication and treated for lice. He’s so exhausted and needs to eat, so he’s set up in a quiet recover spot at the sanctuary so he can decompress. He’s been alternating between snoozing, eating, and scratching at his lice. 
Please keep Mitch in your thoughts! He could use all the strength we can muster for him.

March 22, 2024
Mitch was rescued and brought to  Lily's Place


moments at Lily's Place

Stay tuned for more updates on Mitch's timeline or head over to our facebook or instagram account for the latest updates.

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